নির্জন রিয়াজ ফাহমী PDF dOWNLOAD & Book Review

D নির্জন


Title নির্জন
ISBN 9789843496522
Edition 1st Published, 2020
Number of Pages 86
Country বাংলাদেশ
Language বাংলা

The second book of the same series ‘Nirjan’ has been published after ‘Nivrte’. Author Riaz Fahmi, who came to the discussion with the book in secret, said that more books of the ‘Secret’ series will come soon. For now, let’s talk a little bit about the second book ‘Nirjan’ ..
I got acquainted with the author Riaz Fahmi by reading the book ‘Nivrte’. Despite the good writing, the author Riaz Fahmi does not feel very comfortable to promote. He arranges such incidents in short sentences in very simple language in the novel – a reader can finish the novel in one sitting very comfortably. Since he writes well, I have talked about Riaz Fahmi’s book ‘Nivrte’ and ‘Baba’ before. Interestingly, while maintaining continuity, he also wrote the book ‘Nirjan’ as well as possible and came up with an excellent plot.
The book Nivrte and Nirjan is a series of secrets published by Chandrabhuk Prakashan. One of the favorite things about this 6-page ‘lonely’ novel is the cover. Privacy and solitude – Riaz Fahmi himself is the cover of both books. The author must be equally praised for the cover as well as the writing.
Abir Chowdhury, an assistant professor of biology at Abdus Sobhan College, around whom the novel begins. A letter has come from an unknown address, Abir Chowdhury is looking at the letter with suspicious eyes. He thinks that one of his students may have given him the letter in a mischievous manner. Capturing the letter in a drawer, a British author pulled out a book on whales from the drawer. For now, let’s divert attention from the letter and dive into the whale in The Whale. But it was not possible to have much patience as the mind was busy. Abir Chowdhury left the whale book and took out the letter. Read the letter As soon as the mystery of this letter is unraveled, the events of the novel begin to flow …
From the beginning of the novel, the author will introduce you to a funny character. Mr. Akhtar. But even more interesting is that this Akhtar Sahib will go to the end of the novel and help solve the problem. Interesting? Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. Maybe not.
As the novel progresses, Mr. Abir continues to receive letters. But how will he respond to this letter? Mystery! Mystery!
All in all a great novel. At the end of the novel, the events have taken such a beautiful turn – there is no such beautiful turn in the streets of Mirpur. However – as a little reader I will say this – Mr. Riaz Fahmi’s style is beautiful, neat. Gradually we can expect more beautiful novels from him. I am waiting for the 3rd book of ‘Nivrte’ series.
And yes, Riaz Bhaiya is a little hesitant to talk about books on his own. So I will tell the readers – those who have read or will read Riaz Fahmi’s book, if they like the author’s writing, they are requested to spread the word about the book and if they do not like the writing, I urge them to present it to the author through constructive criticism.
Secluded, secluded – then which one?

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